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Michelle Guelfand @ myDesiredOutcome 

Blog Post

Sing along - Every little cell in my body is healthy and well

Michal Guelfand • March 27, 2020

Simple tools for improved immune system - during Corona Virus Pandemic and everyday

Hello everyone,

Today is Friday, March 27, 2020 and we’re still in the midst of the Corona Virus worldwide pandemic,

One of the things that we can do as individuals, (because we cannot control many things that go around us), Is having personal responsibility by making sure we take a good care of our physical, emotional and mental health. 
In this post, I would like to remind you of two simple steps that you can take to keep your body healthy:

1 Work out.  
I admit I haven’t done this on a daily basis this past week, as we had some rain this week, but this morning I walked down the trail behind my house, in nature, and made some 60000 steps.

2. Sing!  
I know that a lot of us are in a bad mood, but you know if we get in our head a good song, and sing it out loud to ourselves, and we can have our kids join us or whomever it is, it can really help. 
So I’d like to share with you a song that I’ve learned by Suzi Smith in my NLP Health Certificate Training in San Francisco two years ago.

The tune and melody is a very known one, and she put this little ditty, and we can all add or exchange the words, and I’ll show you in a minute, so come on and join me, it goes like this:

“Every little cell in my body is happy 
Every little cell in my body is well
(Repeat X2)
I can tell every little cell
in my body is happy and well”
(Repeat X2)

And I’d like to use the recommendation by my friend Paula Ralph. She said how about we exchange the word “happy” with the word “healthy”, right?. And in this way, we make an internal affirmation to our cells in our body to do a really good job in what they for our immune system. So, it goes like this. Come along, join me: 

“Every little cell in my body is healthy 
Every little cell in my body is well
(Repeat X2)
I can tell every little cell
in my body is happy and well”
(Repeat X2)

And I’d like to invite you to have this song in your head. Repeat it. Sing it out loud, and start feeling better.
And also send a suggestion to your mind and body to work it out, right? 
This is what we all need to do and we will – work it out !

Stay Safe and Healthy!

Sending Love, Michelle
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