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 Empowering Professionals to Unlock Potential
Michelle Guelfand @ myDesiredOutcome 

Blog Post

Morning Routine Under Corona Quarantine

Michal Guelfand • March 30, 2020

7 steps to a healthy morning routine under quarantine 

As the Corona Virus Pandemic is still spreading around the world, more and more people find themselves in ‘shelter-in-Place’ or in quarantine.  This new situation may evoke a lot of stress, and force a change of lifestyle, among other things. 

As the focus of our attention is now shifting to staying safe and healthy during the outbreak, it is key to adopt a healthy lifestyle – now, more than ever.

One of the ways to feel better, is to take back control of what we can do, and make some adjustments to stay healthy within the realms of our homes.
Here are some 7 elements you would like to consider in your morning routine – now, more than ever:

1. Wake up in the morning. Just as you would in a normal workday. 
(Robin Sharma suggest you do it at 5am)

2. Brush your teeth. 
A 2011 study by the American Academy of Periodontology, suggests that maintaining healthy teeth and gums may reduce risk for pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 

Since according to the World Health Organization, the Corona virus is a respiratory disease, It is imperative to keep those teeth healthy.

3. Exercise. Get your heart rate up, and increase the flow of endorphins, which will “create a feeling of euphoria, block pain, and reduce anxiety" as clinical sports neuropsychologist Dr. Erin Reynolds tells Bustle.

4. Meditate. This will help you ground yourself, reduce stress and lower heart rate.

5. Journal your thoughts and plans for the day. This will help you keep focus for the day.

6. Eat a healthy breakfast. Studies have shown that consuming breakfast first thing in the morning greatly decreases hunger and cravings throughout the day. Now that our kitchen is in a close reach throughout the day, it is extremely important that we maintain a healthy weight and eat healthy.

7. Get dressed – do your hair, put on some cologne or perfume. This will immediately shift your physiology and signal your brain that you are active and ready for the day.

Let me know how your morning routine looks like, and if you’d like to adopt any or all of these tips.

Looking forward to hearing back from you.

Stay Safe and Healthy.

Sending Love, Michelle
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