For those of you who prefer to view and listen to the following message, instead of reading, Above is a link to a Facebook Live I did about this topic.
In this blog post I would like to talk about the fastest way to achieve Happiness :-)
There are many reasons for people to feel unhappy and frustrated with their life.
In western societies many think that their problems would be resolved, and they’ll be happy, if they only had more money for example. But studies show that people are getting used to material rewards very quickly, and that goals keep getting pushed upward as soon as a lower level is reached. It is not the actual value of money that satisfies us but the perception that we have in comparison to what we’re already achieved. People also evaluate their wealth not in terms of living in comfort, but in comparison with those who have the most, and become unhappy as a result.
Now, don’t get me wrong, money is important in life. It allows us to live comfortably, invest in things that are important to us, and also give back to the world and help those that need it. But money, in and of itself, will not make us happy.
So what will make us happy?
There are various factors that can make us feel happy, like having satisfying relationships, and being engaged in meaningful activities. But mostly, happiness is a mental state of consciousness that we can choose to live by.
Eckhart Tolle
said: “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance”.
So one of the most quick and powerful ways to experience happiness is through the practice of Gratitude.
Gratitude is the focus and attention on what we already have in our life, and not taking things for granted. Starting with being grateful for the magnificent body that our soul lives in. From the moment we open our eyes in the morning, the breath that we take, the heart that keeps beating, and appreciating every organ in our body that functions miraculously.
We can be grateful for the roof over our head, the food on our table, the clothes that we wear, and having ourselves and our loved ones healthy. We can extend our sense of gratitude to the relationships we have in our lives, our family and friends, our work, the beautiful nature that is around us, and also to the struggles that we’ve experienced in which we grew and learned from, and the list goes on and on.
As a well-being practice, I encourage you to either journal or contemplate every evening, 5 good things that have happened that day. Putting this into writing will focus your attention on the good things you already have in your life, and you will also be minded of them while they happen during the day so that you have something to write about in the evening.
I also like to begin my mornings with an internal gratitude for what I already have and start off my day like this.
So, the secret to having it all is knowing you already do!
Focus on the Good, Be well, take care, and thank you for being part of my journey.
Happy Thanksgiving 2021 :-)
Much Love & Gratitude
Michelle Guelfand
MBA, NLP Trainer & Master Practitioner
Holistic, Results-Oriented Coaching, Workshops & Lectures