K Logistics

 Empowering Professionals to Unlock Potential
Michelle Guelfand @ myDesiredOutcome 


Feeling Overwhelmed?

Get a FREE Guided Meditation
to De-Clutter Your Mind
and Manifest Your Ideal-Self

Get Declutter & Manifest Meditation

Be Present

Release and Let Go

    Manifest Your Ideal-Self

Achieve Your Goals & Desires

Declutter Your Mind.
Live Purposefully.

Your wellness begins with a healthy mindset that is aligned with your sense of purpose.

Just like physical clutter makes your home feels like it's too much,
mental clutter is anything that makes your mind feel like you’re on overdrive and anything that keeps you from thinking straight.

Mental clutter dilutes your energy. You may feel overwhelmed and frustrated, which may lead to feeling upset, resulting in heightened stress levels. When you are stressed the quality of your sleep is damaged, which lowers the quality of your life physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 
This guided meditation will guide you to let go of whatever is holding you back, of whatever is no longer serving you.
Use this guided meditation to let go of your excess baggage, that which you are aware of, and that which you are not.


Next, when you clear away all the stuck energy, you will have more space for a clean, refreshed mindset to manifest a purposeful you.
Think of a positive desired outcome you want to achieve in your life, as you will soon manifest that in this meditation. 
Allow yourself the gift of being fully present.

And let me know how you felt after the meditation.

Much Love & Gratitude

Michelle Guelfand, MBA
NLP Trainer & Master Practitioner
Holistic, Results-oriented Life Coach and Speaker


"Soothing, empowering and moving.
I have experience and background in guided imagery and I haven't heard such a great guided meditation in a long time. The combination of the content and Michelle's soothing voice is definitely noteworthy. Thank you Michelle for helping calm and strengthen us in these difficult days.

Israel Schpizer

Tel Aviv
"Michelle Guelfand is a wealth of knowledge on strategies that can support you with improving your mind-body wellness. Her guided exercises brought me so much calm, and helped me get into a state of flow. The benefits I felt stayed with me well beyond the time of our call."

Dr. Katie Raher

I am an entrepreneur, wife and mother of 3 children so my life can get quite hectic, especially during these times where we are all sheltered-in-place at home. Due to the type of job I have, I need to wake up extra early, which is a few ours earlier before my family. It's already my 4th time using Michelle's guided meditation and it has helped me start the day off right and gets me motivated to conquer what's ahead of me. I already feel better and in control. I'm looking forward to discovering more of her services. Thank you soooooo much Michelle!" 

Doreet Jehassi Schneider

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